Stacy Wise
| Feb 05, 2024

Benefits of Using ITMs
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Executive Administrative Assistant
Over the years, ATMs have become a way for many people to do their banking. Whether you don’t want to get out of your car or can’t make it in to one of our banking centers, ATMs are a great way to do some of your banking. Unfortunately, ATMs are limited in the services they can provide. Did you know that MNB has converted many of our ATMs to have ITM capabilities?
What is an ITM?
An ITM is an Interactive Teller Machine. It still functions as an ATM, but there is a new option for a new service called “MyBanker” that allows you to have one-on-one video assisted services by one of our ITM tellers. Our current ITM tellers are familiar faces, Baylor Carper, who has been with MNB for almost 8 years, and Sarah Bull, who has been with MNB for 5 years.
What are the benefits of using an ITM?
Baylor and Sarah have been working with the ITMs for a few months now and have noticed several benefits to using our ITMs listed below.
- Extended transaction cutoff times. The current cutoff time for ATM transactions is 1:30 p.m. while the cutoff time for ITMs is currently 5:00 p.m. If you are unable to make it to one of our banking centers but need something posted on today’s business, Baylor and Sarah can help you via the ITM. For MNB markets with limited hours, if the Canton location is still open, you can conduct most of your teller transactions through the ITM, even if your banking center is closed.
- No debit card needed. When you use the ITM, you don’t need your debit card to start a transaction; you can interact with Baylor or Sarah, and they will be able to access any of your MNB accounts. If they don’t know you, there is a spot on the ITM to scan your ID.
- Access all your MNB accounts. Not only do you not have to have your debit card, but interacting with a teller means you aren’t limited to transactions just with the account tied to your debit card. Baylor and Sarah have access to all of your accounts, just like a teller at a window inside the bank.
- Wider range of transactions. With an ITM, you aren’t just limited to the services of an ATM. In addition to typical ATM services, you can also withdraw money in amounts over the standard ATM limits, cash checks down to the penny, make payments on your loans or Safe Deposit Boxes, receive cash back from payments, reorder checks, and much more. There are some limits, of course, but almost anything you can do in the bank at a teller window, you can do at an ITM.
- Interact with a person. As opposed to just an ATM, an ITM allows you to interact with an actual person. It allows you to ask questions and have a conversation about your banking which is something an ATM does not provide.
Baylor and Sarah said that overall, utilizing ITMs comes down to expanding your accessibility to all your MNB accounts.
Currently, we have a demo ITM in our lobby at the Canton banking center. Also, our ATMs in Canton at the bank drive-up and Hy-Vee and our ATM in Lewistown are all ITM compatible. The plan is to eventually have all our ATMs in all our locations converted to ITMs. If you’re curious and want to try out the ITM, stop by one of our ITM enabled locations, or stop in the lobby in Canton next time you’re here and see what the ITMs are all about. Baylor or Sarah would be happy to assist you! If you would like to know more about the ITMs, please stop in to one of our banking centers or give us a call at 877-647-5050.