Stacy Wise
| Aug 26, 2024

Balance Protection
Written by Andrea Klinedinst, Executive Administrative Assistant
Accidents happen in life and sometimes those accidents extend to our banking accounts, creating unintended consequences. Maybe you miscalculated your expenses or ran into an unexpected expense and accidentally overdrew your account. Did you know MNB has Balance Protection to help you avoid incurring unwanted fees from overdrawing your checking account?
What is MNB’s Balance Protection?
Balance Protection is there in case you find yourself accidentally spending more than you have in your checking account. If you find you’ve overdrawn your account, Balance Protection will transfer funds from another of your MNB accounts, either checking or savings, to cover any negative balance. Whatever account is used as your backup for Balance Protection will need to have appropriate funds to cover the cost.
What are the benefits of using Balance Protection?
There is no annual fee for Balance Protection; however, there is a $3 fee per transfer of funds if your account goes into overdrawn status. This is a much smaller fee than what you would incur for overdrawing your account without Balance Protection.
Using Balance Protection can give you peace of mind that if something unexpected were to happen, you would be covered for the transaction. It is a great way to safeguard your checking account from larger unwanted fees. You can also keep track of your balance by banking with MNB's Online Banking & Mobile App, visiting one of our new ITMs, or by calling in or stopping by one of our banking centers.
We all face unexpected challenges in life, so why not consider protecting your accounts with Balance Protection? You can make an appointment to set up Balance Protection by calling us at 877-647-5050, visiting us online, or stopping by one of our banking centers today.